Tuesday, July 21, 2009

He Loves Me

Before I formed
you in the womb
I knew you, before
you were born I
set you apart.
Jeremiah 1:5

How could this Holy God, Creator and Ruler of all things,
have such deep love for us, tiny specks in a vast universe,
who fall short of even our own ideals?

God loves us because He is love. It's His nature to love.
God loves us because He made us. He made each of us with
great skill, and we have unique value to Him as His special
workmanship. He highly prizes us and wants us for Himself,
knowing what a love relationship with Him can mean to us--
and to Him--in this life.

God also loves us for what He knows we'll become for all
eternity. He eagerly awaits the delights in store for Him
and us when we dwell with Him forever in joyful, unbroken

Lord, I praise You that You are love. I pray that in new ways
day by day and month by month, I'll be to You what You long for,
as I let You and Your love be to me what I need.

~Ruth Myers~
from: The Satisfied Heart

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