Thursday, August 6, 2009

Your Word

All Scripture is inspired
by God and profitable for
teaching, for reproof, for
correction, for training
in righteousness.

2 Timothy 3:16

Dear Lord, may I look intently into Your Word day by day
with a longing to know You better and do Your will at all
times. May the Spirit unfold its truths to me; may He
motivate me to meditate on it and apply it to my life.
Make me diligent to hear and read it often. Empower me to
trust You and obey all Your commands. Amen.

~Ruth Myers~
from: 31 Days of Prayer


  1. Love this one. Getting off the blogs now and going to have a QT. Thanks, Susie~

  2. We talked about this last night at Bible Study. We all confessed that we were guilty of reading God's word--- but not always applying it.
