Monday, May 18, 2009

Thank You, Lord

(Photo by Donna Downey)

Thank You, Lord, for the people who are a blessing
to me...for family and friends and neighbors, for
little children, for brothers and sisters in Christ,
for colleagues and leaders, for pastors and teachers,
and for others: our doctor, the postman, the plumber.
Thank You for the many ways You use these people to meet
my needs, brighten my path, and lighten my
enrich my knowledge of You, and to counsel or correct or
nourish me, building me up in the faith. How good and
pleasant it is to enjoy rich fellowship with those who
love You. Thank You for bringing people into my life!

Yet, Lord, I also thank You that even the people I most
admire have flaws--that only You are wonderful through
and through, with no ugly edges, and that people, even at
their best, cannot meet my deepest needs...that at times
they misunderstand, they disapppoint, they expect too much,
or they can't be available when I need them. This makes me
even more glad to have You as my best Friend, my wonderful
Counselor, my ever-present help in trouble, immediately available
around the clock, seven days a week. How wonderful that I belong
to You, the pure, unpolluted Source from which all love flows.

~Ruth Myers~
31 Days of Praise