Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Praise be to
His glorious
name forever;
may the whole
earth be filled
with His glory.
Amen and Amen.

Psalm 72:19

Through praise you give God something no one else in
heaven or earth can give: the love and adoration of
your heart. He chose you before He created the earth;
He designed you as a unique individual, so that you
would be a special person unlike any other; He made
you for Himself. And He has made plans for an inti-
mate relationship with you throughout all eternity.
Such a God is not indifferent to your response to
Him. Your praise makes Him glad. Your neglect
grieves Him. As you fill your life with praise,
God will reveal Himself to you in new ways--and not
only to you but also through you to other people.
To glorify God and to enjoy Him forever is our high
calling, our destiny.

~Ruth Myers~
from: 31 Days of Praise

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